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A Mindful Meditation: Check in with yourself today!

Checking in with yourself can be powerful tool for support, self care and reflection.

According to an article published by the University of California, Berkeley "studies to date suggest that mindfulness affects many aspects of our psychological well-being—improving our mood, increasing positive emotions, and decreasing our anxiety, emotional reactivity, and job burnout."

Read more here.

This meditation allows for a moment to check in with yourself, to check in with the body and invite in more of what you want and need in your life.

Watch / Listen to a recorded meditation here:

Read this meditation here:

Welcome and Grounding

Bring your attention to an area of your body of your choosing

  • Heart space

  • Abdomen

  • Neck throat, jaw

  • Maybe even the very tips of your toes

Don’t over think it here just choosing one space to send some extra love and attention to

Breathing here and allowing your breath to nourish and be sent to this space

Inhaling in whatever you need here - expansion, love, attention, gratitude

Exhale releasing maybe just a little bit more of something you are holding on to

Silently asking yourself the question here, how do I really feel? In this moment, in this day and noticing what answer shows up for you

Maybe it is that you are just good

Maybe there is something deeper

Inquire with curiousity - see if you can leave the judgement and expectation aside!

Breathing here letting that integrate

Staying here or bringing your attention to another part of your body

Breathing here sending your breath to this space

Inhaling in whatever you need here - expansion, love, attention, gratitude

Exhale releasing maybe just a little bit more of something you are holding on to

Maybe if it feels good here today asking yourself the questions - how can I show up for myself today?

Maybe that is emotionally, giving yourself some extra love and gratitude, maybe it is physical or tangible, taking time for a bath, or with your journal

Maybe it is being here right now, this act of meditation - this is how you are showing up for yourself and that is incredible

Breathe here

Give yourself space and time, knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.

Staying here or bringing your attention to another part of your body of your choice

Breathing here sending your breath to this space

Inhaling in whatever you need - expansion, love, attention, gratitude

Exhale releasing maybe just a little bit more of something you are holding on to

Breathing and silently asking yourself the question

How can I show up for someone else this week?

Maybe the answer is clear

Maybe the answer is I can’t

Whatever shows up here is perfect, allow it to be authentic to you honoring what shows up for you today.

Breathing here

Letting that integrate

Staying here or bringing your attention to another part of your body that you choose

Breathing here sending your breath to this space

Inhaling in whatever you need here - expansion, love, attention, gratitude

Exhale releasing maybe just a little bit more of something you are holding on to

Breathing and silently asking yourself the question

How can I show up for my community this week?

Maybe the answer is clear

Maybe the answer is I can’t

Whatever shows up here is perfect, allow it to be authentic to you honoring what shows up for you today.

Breathing here

Letting that integrate

Allowing yourself a few more moments here of relaxation

Of quiet

Take 3 deep breaths

Begin to bring awareness back into the body through a wiggle of the fingers & the toes.

Taking as much time as you need to reawaken to the world around you.


Need a little bit restoration and care this weekend? There are still a few spots left in The Release and Restore, a 90 minute class focused on bringing you deeper into rest and relaxation.

This class features a supportive combination of deep stretching yin poses paired with hands on releasing assists. You will be lead into long held yoga poses that invite softness and stillness into areas of tension and stress. In these spaces, you will be assisted in your stretch with gentle massaging techniques that increase the natural comfort and balance of the body and mind, releasing what ails you, so you can sleep well and be well.


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