Not Your Average Challenge | The Practice
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Not your Average Challenge

Your journey to calm and confidence begins now. Say goodbye to the overwhelm of chaos and inconsistency, and say hello to more inner-calm and confidence.


Join us May 1st and let's build your consistent calm practice, one small step at a time.


The Why

An invitation to deepen your relationship to self through mindful and somatic practices. Learn practical ways to regulate your nervous system. In community, take 30 days to join in classes, explore journalling prompts, meditate, sauna, go for a mindful get it! Connect deeper inward and out.


Sign up!

Fill out the form to sign up! (link above). You'll receive additional content, journal prompts, contemplations, opportunity to delve into introspection to get a better sense of the information that is present in your body and mind.



Unlimited Members, this is free! 

New to the studio? Purchase our Intro Rate: 21 day pass, we'll extend it for 9 days free!

Need a pass? Purchase our One Month Unlimited using promo code challenge to save 50%!



Practice in Community

Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, (insert emotion that is pulling at you here) can stem from a lack of connection. Join your community in practice, alongside the journey together through virtual & in person practices. The intention of this challenge is to connect, into whatever practices suit your needs! 

Not local? Join our virtual library, connect on instagram and our Facebook community group.


Time to explore

We've added on new & varied classes to our in person & virtual classes. Track your classes in studio or via online to enter to win rewards! Explore and deepen your practice by committing and prioritizing Y O U. 


* join our virtual studio Facebook page 

* don't forget to keep the conversation going on socials 

* save the date for our The Refresh class & community gathering to celebrate the last day of challenge!

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commit to your self growth 

Your journey to calm and confidence begins now.

Say goodbye to the overwhelm of chaos and inconsistency, and say hello to more inner-calm

and confidence. 


Join us and let's build your consistent calm practice, one small step at a time.

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  • Instagram
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